Gemini Season Horoscope 2022

Gemini season brings you back to the world of fun, laughs and conversation. You'll have the confidence to say what you really feel or have been wanting to say for some time. There may be some kind of drama happening around you, but in a good way!

If you're feeling burnt out from work, now is a perfect time to re-energize yourself and spend more time with family and friends. Gemini season starts off slow, but as it progresses through June, expect your social life to increase exponentially.

The one thing you can be certain about is that Gemini season never gets boring! Gemini people are known for their charm and wit, but if you want to know what this friend of the twin has in store for you, here's what to look forward to.

Sun Enters Gemini (Gemini Season Begins!)

Gemini season officially begins on May 20, 2022 at 9:23 PM EST when the Sun enters Gemini.

Gemini season is a time of mental expansion, curiosity and adventure. This is a good time to travel, learn new things and expand your horizons. Gemini season is a time of mental expansion, curiosity and adventure. This is a good time to travel, learn new things and expand your horizons.

You might have an urge to seek out new experiences and knowledge, which can be a good thing if you've been feeling stuck in a rut. New information can inspire you to take action in your life and make long-term changes.

Gemini season is also great for building relationships with friends and family — especially with children who are born during this period.

You might have an urge to seek out new experiences and knowledge, which can be a good thing if you've been feeling stuck in a rut. New information can inspire you to take action in your life and make long-term changes.

Mercury Retrogrades into Taurus

Beginning May 22nd at 9:15 PM EST, Mercury retrograde will enter Taurus. This is a time to reflect on your values, boundaries, stability, and finances.

Mercury retrograde can bring feelings of being stuck or stagnant and make us feel like we’re not making progress. When this happens, it’s important to remember that the retrograde period is all about reflecting on past experiences and learning from them.

It’s also a great time for inner work — meditation, journaling, dreamwork — which will help you gain clarity about what you want to create moving forward. If you’ve been feeling stuck lately or if you just want to make sure you aren’t missing any opportunities that could be coming up soon, this is a great time for checking in with yourself!

The energy of Taurus is all about stability, finances and setting boundaries. This is exactly what you need right now! Focus on these things during this retrograde season and see how much clearer your mind gets! It's also important that you don't try to rush anything because rushing can cause more problems than solutions!

Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters its home sign of Aries on May 24th at 7:18 PM EST. You can expect to feel more confidence and spontaneous as Mars moves through Aries. This is a time when it's okay to speak your mind and take action rather than sit back and think about things too much.

If you're feeling restless or frustrated with your job, this might be the perfect time to start looking for other opportunities.

If you've been wanting to move somewhere new or start a new hobby but haven't been able to find the time or money for it, now is a good time to make those plans come true!

Venus Enters Taurus

Venus enters its home sign of Taurus on May 28th at 10:46 AM EST.

There are some areas of your life where you might want to take it easy, especially in terms of finances. Don't be afraid to spend money on yourself; you deserve it!

This is a good time to invest in yourself by taking classes or pursuing your dreams. You may also want to surround yourself with beauty by buying art or decorating your space in an aesthetically pleasing way. These purchases will help you feel more balanced and happy about yourself during this season of life.

New Moon in Gemini

On May 10th at 7:30 AM EST, there is a New Moon in Gemini.

The new moon brings in a new cycle of energy, which is why this time period is associated with starting over or making changes to our lives; because we have a fresh start with each new moon cycle!

So what should we focus on during this month? Communication! We will be thinking about how we communicate with others as well as learning and exploring our personal intrests.

Gemini is the sign of communication, so this is a great time to reflect on your own personal communication style and how you express yourself to others. It's also a good time to explore your own interests and learn new skills. This could involve exploring different types of media like books or movies, as well as different types of music or art forms.

For example, if you want to improve your communication skills, then set your intention to work on that during this month by doing activities like reading books about communication skills or practicing conversation starters with friends or family members (or someone new!).

Mercury Stations Direct in Taurus

Mercury retrograde ends on June 3rd, 2022 at 4:00 AM EST.

The energy is lighter and more playful now, so it's a great time to do some brainstorming and planning.

You might notice that your mind feels clearer, which can be helpful when trying to solve any problems or difficulties you've been having.

Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius

On June 4th at 5:37 AM EST, Saturn Stations Retrograde in Aquairus.

Saturn retrograde has traditionally been a time when people go back and review their lives and make changes where necessary. Now that Saturn is moving through Aquarius, we'll be focusing more on humanitarian causes, so if there's something you've wanted to do for the world or just for yourself, this is your chance.

During this time it is important to be aware of your actions as well as the actions of others around you. It is also a good time for reflection and learning from past mistakes before moving forward with your life. This retrograde period will help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the people around you so that you can improve upon your relationships with them.

Advancements in technology and social media will also be emphasized during this time period which could lead to better communication between people worldwide.

Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury re-enters Gemini on June 13th at 11:27 AM EST.

The best way for you to make the most of this cycle is to open your mind, listen carefully and absorb as much information as possible. You're likely to be interested in many things at once — from politics to art, music and fashion — so don't try to be too specific or narrow-minded. Just let your interests flow freely without judgment or criticism.

Geminis are natural multitaskers who can easily balance several projects at once, so take advantage of this energy by working on several different projects at once rather than just focusing on one thing at a time (which can lead you into feelings of overwhelm). When you embrace your ability to take on so many things at once, it will help you feel more confident and capable.

The mind is receptive and ready to absorb new knowledge, experience and ideas. It is a time when we can discover what we really want out of life, who we are and what we need in relationships. We may feel as if we have lived a lifetime in these few months!

We are learning that life is not about what happens to us, but about how we respond to it. What seems like an obstacle now will later become a blessing in disguise. When you're feeling burned out or worn down by life's challenges, take some time off from your usual routine; don't push yourself too hard right now. Take it easy and allow yourself some down time so that you can recharge your batteries before you continue on with your plans for the future.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

On June 14th at 7:51 AM EST, there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius.

This Full Moon is all about letting go of old beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve you. If you haven't been feeling like your life has been going in the right direction lately, then it's because your belief system needs an upgrade!

This is a great time to start believing in yourself again and stepping into your power as an individual who can create their own reality rather than being at the mercy of others or circumstances. You have more control over your life than you realize, but you need to get fully aligned with yourself first before you can start manifesting anything - especially if it involves other people!

If there are any areas in your life that aren't working out as well as they could be, now is a good time to take them apart and rebuild them from scratch so they're better suited for who you are today.

This is an opportunity to reflect on where you are in life, and how you want to move forward from here.


So as we enter the season of Gemini, we can look forward to gaining new skills, exploring new topics, and trying new things. These are the things that the Gemini Season is all about. The more adaptable and open you are to these changes this season, the better off you'll be overall.

If you want to learn more about gemini and how to use astrology in your everyday life, listen to this week’s episode of Blame It on the Stars Podcast!


Full Moon in Capricorn Meaning & Full Moon Ritual


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