Full Moon in Capricorn Meaning & Full Moon Ritual

Here’s what you need to know.

The Full Moon in Capricorn happens on Wednesday July 13, 2022 at 2:37pm EST.

If you've listened to the Cancer season episode of Blame it on the Stars podcast, you'd know that the Full Moon in Capricorn time for letting go of cynicism and make space for emotions. Let’s go more in depth:

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a time to release guilt for our emotions.

Our emotions are there for a reason. They're our bodies' way of communicating with us, letting us know that something is either out of balance or not right. But sometimes, we can become so used to feeling guilty about our emotions that we start to avoid them altogether. We don't want to feel like we're being dramatic or making a big deal out of nothing, so instead of allowing ourselves the time and space needed for feeling our truth, we stuff it down inside ourselves—and then pretend it never happened.

The Full Moon in Capricorn asks us not only to let go of guilt but also resistance against feeling what's true in the first place. When you allow yourself the freedom to feel without judgment or expectation, then you'll be able to move forward with your life more easily—and make meaningful changes when necessary (or desired).

It's time to release old wounds during the Full Moon in Capricorn.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a time to heal old wounds, release the past and make way for new beginnings.

After all, the Capricorn season is ruled by Saturn—the planet that brings us lessons and wisdom through the tough times of life. So it's no surprise that this Full Moon is going to hit you with some serious emotional intensity. But don't worry—you can use this energy as an opportunity for healing.

Capricorn is a sign that deals with responsibility and commitment (ahem, goat). They're known for being practical, disciplined and traditional—and sometimes stubbornly so! When they're feeling emotionally overwhelmed or insecure about their identity or place in the world—which happens often during full moons because of our emotional vulnerability at those times—they tend to become isolated from others. They may even withdraw from their loved ones just when they need them most.

The Full Moon aspecting Pluto makes this an especially powerful month for releasing old wounds from your past; letting go of relationships that have served their purpose but aren't serving yours anymore; resolving conflicts with yourself or others; taking control over your finances; giving away what has been weighing on your heart (this can include material possessions); forgiving those who have harmed you (including yourself); finding peace within yourself after dealing with difficult emotions like anger/resentment/sadness/etc., etc., etc...

During the Full Moon, we aren’t manifesting but charging crystals with the energy of our intentions.

So, what does it mean to charge a crystal? It’s the process of holding an intention for the crystal to hold onto. The idea is that you want your crystals to act as a sort of vessel for whatever intention you choose. All in all this Full Moon is great because it allows us time alone with ourselves so we can really reflect on our personal goals or intentions without interruption from others around us—it's just about taking care & nurturing ourselves so we know what needs fixing/working on in the future.

For the Full Moon in Capricorn, spending some time near water and earth is a perfect ritual to help release emotions and connect with nature.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with the earth, and spend some time near water. If you don’t live near water, it still can be very soothing to walk around your neighborhood or take a hike in nature and observe the beauty of the world around you.

When we connect with nature, it gives us an opportunity to release our emotions and recharge our energy.


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